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Don't Let your Triple Creme Go Naked. 3 Lux Triple Creme Pairings

triple creme and chocolate

3 Triple Creme Pairings for your buttery cheese to snuggle up to.

We’ve all polished off a half wheel of a triple creme with only bread as the vehicle. Let’s leave the size of the wheel vague, please. But here’s the thing. I don’t want you to miss out anymore on an optimal creamy cheese experience.

You could be doing more.

While it's long been thought that the ideal pairing for a cheese as seemingly rich as cultured butter is Champagne, triple creme cheese has broad pairing abilities. Cloaked in a white bloomy-rind jacket with a creamy paste, triples are friendly. Open. Undiscriminating in pairing sessions. They play well with others.

A triple creme is a cheese whose butterfat content is from 60-75%. Never fear, this is the percentage of fat in dry matter, meaning that because triples are so young and full of whey, which the FDA doesn't measure, the butterfat is actually lower than it sounds. Yay! But it is exactly because the cheese is so soft and creamy and rich that it charms in pairings. A triple’s butterfat wraps itself around piquant or acidic flavor, soothes any abrasive notes, and snuggles up to to sugar and crunchy things as easily as a toddler does a blankie. Think of it as just one more way to enjoy your triple.

Here are my top 3 triple creme pairings.

  1. Blessed be... the chip! One day when I was wine bar manager we were having a sparkling ✨ wine party. We were serving, of course, triple crimes, and, potato chips because they’re good with 🍾. By the end of the night we ran out of bread so I put a piece of Mt Tam on a potato chip. I fell in love. I love cheese mishaps! The chip provided the perfect contrast of textures with its salty crispiness for the triple creme‘s cream.

  2. If you want to take your creamy experience to another level, contrast in texture, or flavor. Pairing your triple with something sour or spicy highlights the cheese’s sweet, creamy notes, and the high butterfat in the triple easily stand up to tart and piquant flavors, making for a very fun pairing. I pair mine here with Friends in Cheese’s Tart & Spicy Tomato Jelly.

  3. People rave about how much they love wine & chocolate together. Me? I prefer my chocolate with butterfat. Think chocolate cheesecake, but better. The only rules are 1. play around with contrasts (mix flavors and textures) and 2. that you must talk about what happens in cheese and chocolate club.

Kirstin Jackson