
Cheese Blog


The Cheese Blog


Cheese Culture Coalition in Action at CheeseCon!

You may remember the creation of the groundbreaking organization the Cheese Culture Coalition in 2020. Led by a fantastic board of cheese industry professionals, the organization’s aim is to promote inclusion and equity in the cheese industry through BIPOC education. It’s a big goal, and an important one. If you remember the newsletter I sent out about them when they first formed, you might be wondering just what they’re up to right now. Answer- a lot.

First, they’re going to CheeseCon (otherwise known as the American Cheese Society Conference)!

Cheese industry folks, if you’re at the conference (July 20-23, 2022: Portland, OR.), hit up their table in the Supporting Trade Table section, which will have a signup for their about-to-lauch quarterly newsletter, and a raffle with stellar donations from Rogue Creamery, Jasper Hill Farm, Rumiano, and Board at Home.

Say hi! Sign up for their newsletter. Donate. Any person who donates to the CCC between July 20th and July 25th will automatically be entered into the raffle. The raffle drawing will be held August 8th and cheese prizes will be sent out in September.

What else have they been doing and how can you support them without going to CheeseCon?

They’ve been sooo busy (did I mention yet that all CCC board members have full-time jobs and are volunteering for the CCC work?). When not preparing for CheeseCon and trying to get the word out there, they’re focusing on their youth outreach program- cheese education in elementary schools of underrepresented communities. In these classes, educators bring cheese to schools for children, and teach students about its flavors, culture, and history while they’re enjoying the cheese. The classes inspire cheese love, curiousity, and help to foster a feeling of belonging and access to resources in the cheese industry early in life.

To help with these efforts, please reach out about volunteering, or, donate! Donations help to fund this fantastic education and outreach.

Kirstin Jackson