
Cheese Blog


The Cheese Blog


Kreativ Bloggers: Seven Things

award_kreativ_blogger One of my favorite French and cheese-focused bloggers, Chez Loulou, was given a Kreativ Blogger award, and she passed it on to me! In so doing, she named me as one of the seven bloggers that should answer the Kreativ Blogger Award question. My assignment: name seven things that others may not know about me, and then name seven bloggers who I would like to do the same. Thank you Chez LouLou!

Seven Things

- All the food in my earthquake kit has expired.

- First cheesemaker I visited: Rouge et Noir, Sonoma.

- Despite Legally Blonde II and Sweet Home Alabama, I will always respect Reese Witherspoon because of the movie Freeway.

- I do not have a favorite cheese.

- I researched U.S. funerary rites while at UC Berkeley and did my ethnography in funeral homes and crematoriums.

- I worked with Redman's father while completing my culinary externship in New York. He did not teach me everything I know.

- I planted my own garden for the first time this year.

I pass on the Kreative Blogger Award to some of my favorite bloggers:

Stephanie at Wasabimon.

Alexandra at Alexandra Cooks.

Olga at SassyRadish.

Zen at Zen Can Cook.

Jessika at Olde Sow Farm and Creamery

Jeanne at Cheese Underground.

Kate at Straight Outta Chocolate.